As the saying goes, “Age is just a number.” However, in the case of Senator Dianne Feinstein, her age has become a topic of controversy, with some Democratic senators calling for her resignation. Despite this, I firmly believe that Senator Feinstein should remain in her position as senator, and age should not be used as a basis to force her to resign.

Firstly, it is important to acknowledge that ageism is a form of discrimination, and it is unacceptable to use someone’s age as a reason for them to step down from a position they have been elected to. Senator Feinstein has served California for almost three decades and has been a powerful voice for the people. She has advocated for issues such as gun control, climate change, and healthcare, and has been a strong supporter of women’s rights. To call for her resignation based solely on her age is unfair and disrespectful to her years of service.

Secondly, age should not be seen as a barrier to political efficacy. Senator Feinstein has shown time and time again that she is still capable of fulfilling her duties as a senator. In fact, she has been an active participant in the Senate Judiciary Committee’s confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justices, where she has asked insightful questions and provided valuable contributions to the debate. Age has not hindered her ability to perform her duties effectively, and it would be a disservice to the people of California to lose her experience and expertise.

Furthermore, it is worth noting that many other senators are also of a similar age to Senator Feinstein and continue to serve their constituents effectively. Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa is 88 years old and still serving in the Senate, as is Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont, who is 81. Age alone should not be a reason for resignation, especially when the senator in question is still capable of fulfilling their duties and serving their constituents.

Lastly, it is important to recognize that Senator Feinstein is not alone in facing health issues. As Senator Gillibrand of New York pointed out, many senators, regardless of age, have dealt with illnesses during their time in office. It is unfair to single out Senator Feinstein for her age and health concerns when other senators have faced similar issues.

In conclusion, Senator Feinstein should not be forced to resign from her position as senator based solely on her age. Ageism is a form of discrimination, and it is unfair to dismiss someone’s years of experience and expertise simply because of their age. Senator Feinstein has demonstrated her ability to continue serving her constituents effectively, and she should be allowed to continue doing so without interference. The people of California have elected her to represent them, and they should be allowed to decide when it is time for her to step down, not other politicians based solely on her age.

By Karyokie Peeco Conway

Karyokie Peeco Conway, a Liberian-born American, is employed by the Delaware Department of Correction. Recognized as a community activist and an African political analyst, Mr. Conway possesses a Master's degree in Public Administration and another Master's degree in Accounting with a focus on Controllership. He is married to Mrs. Tanya Conway from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and presently resides in Wilmington, DE.

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