President Elect Joseph R. Biden

Washington –  Wednesday, January 7, 2021, both Chambers; the House and the Senate will be conducting a largely ceremonial process of certifying Mr. Joseph R. Biden Jr. victory.

 Close to 66.3% Americans went to the polls across the country on November 3, 2020 and cast their votes for President, Senate, and House candidates. Following those votes, Democratic Candidate Joseph R. Biden did not just win the electoral college against President Donald Trump but also the popular votes by about 6m.
Unlike Mrs. Hilary Clinton, who won the popular votes but lost to Mr. Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential elections, called and congratulated him on his victory, Mr. Trump is doing the opposite, falsely claiming that the elections were fraudulent and stolen from him. As a country of law, the Trump campaign launched a series of legal challenges in many swing states that he lost but after hearing his complaints, many of the courts found the president Trump did not have any evidence to back his claims that there was a fraud the elections were stolen from him.
Besides, the Trump Campaign requested and was granted recounts in Wisconsin and Georgia which also shown that those elections were credible and there was no evidence to the contrary to overturn the outcome as announced. Further, state courts and finally the United States Supreme Court agreed with the lower courts and rejected Mr. Trump’s baseless allegations that the elections were fraudulent and stolen from him.
While most Americans are thinking that the elections are over, on January 5 the House and Senate supposed to be certifying Mr. Biden’s win. However, in a shameless effort to deny the will of the people, Texas Republican Senator; Ted Cruz, who during the Republican Party primaries in 2016 was told that his father Rafael Cruz was seem with President John Kennedy assassin Harvey Oswald shortly before the president was killed, an accusation made by Mr. Trump, the man that Mr. Cruz is now blindly supporting and nobody knows what his loyalty is predicated on, is or intending to lead this fruitless campaign to challenge the outcome to November 3, 2020 elections victory of Mr. Biden.
While Sen. Cruz and a handful of Republicans who are intending to challenge Biden’s will be unsuccessful, what these handful of senators and Representatives are doing is to show to the Americans people how ill-prepared these guys are to lead America in the 21st Century and these types of behavior are leading the country slowly into a civil conflict.
Let us remember that America is the leader of the world and it is the responsibility of all Americans, to vote people to offices who can see things from a realistic perspective then people like Senator Cruz, who seems to have lost his political or democratic integrity by supporting President Trump’s baseless claims that the elections were fraudulent.

To conclude, the legislature does not have the legal authority to overturn the will of the voters and Sen. Cruz has shown again that we Republicans should in the future nominate far better candidates like Chris Christen, Jeff Flake, Matt Rodney, or John Kisci then a guy who President Trump described as “lying Ted.

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