Smyrna, DE: – As president-elect, Joseph R. Biden prepares to take office as the United States 46th president, there are crucial runoff senate elections slated for January 5, 2021 between Republican incumbent candidates David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, and Democrats Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock. The results of those elections will decide which party controls the Senate.

Georgia, which for many years, has been reliably Republican and has been that way since 1992 when Bill Clinton won the state by 43.47% to H. W. Bush’s 42.88%. Georgians stay in the republican column after 1992 until the 2020 elections when Mr. Biden defeats President Donald Trump with the narrowest of margin.

After losing the elections for his democratic rival, without any evidence, President Trump describes the 2020 elections as a fraud although Republican candidates down ballots retained or gain seats in the House of Representatives. Although Republicans lost the White House, from the perspectives of some Republican political strategists, the party did well because it was defending most of the House and Senate seats especially in a year the president was unpopular and coronavirus news dwarfed all the progress made under President Trump.

But the with President Trump’s relentless attacks to discredit the outcome of the 2020 elections, especially elections in states he lost, many analysts are still unsure as to whether Georgian Republican voters will go to the polls to votes for the two incumbent Georgian Republican Senators.

Whether Republicans voters come out to vote in the runoff elections do not guarantee that the Republicans are going to retain the contested two senate seat because Georgia has been changing from a reliable Republican state to a toss-up for some time now. In 2016, Democratic Candidate Hilary R. Clinton lost to Trump by just 5 percentage point. Again, Ms. Stacy Abram came close to winning the governor’s office in 2018 but stop short to current Republican Governor Brian Kemp by about 50,000 votes. So, president-elect Biden’s win is something that has been coming a long time and now might change Georgia’s status from reliably Republican to a swing state.

The Georgian senate runoff is important to both the Democrats and the Republican for very different reasons. For the Democrats, winning Georgia two senate seat will help them power through president-elect Biden agenda; agenda most Republican describe as Bernie Sanders populist and liberal agenda for the next four years. But it also important to stress that winning Georgia two seats will give Democrats control of the House, Senate, and the White House.

The Republicans will want to keep Biden and the Democrat in check and one way that they will be able to effectively do that is by keeping control of the Senate. Remember during the Obama administration, the Republicans were able to deny Judge Merrick Garland his seat on the Supreme Court by arguing that his appointment was close to the elections and the voters should decide who makes that appointment since Obama was on his way out. But with elections just two months, President Trump fill the associate justice Ruth Ginsburg seat on the court, ignoring rationale provided the American people in 2016 to justify not confirming judge Garland.

The Georgia runoff will be a turnout game as both parties are motivating their voters to turn out and vote for their candidates for the reasons given earlier. However, with Trump continually criticizing election officials, some Republican voters feel that the 2020 elections were stolen from President Trump and that going to vote is a waste of time.

 It is difficult to assess how deep the mistrust of Republican voters are in the ability of election officials is but gauging their reactions to the president Trump’s baseless claims, by raising money and carrying out many streets protests not just indicate how Trump has temporarily succeeded in undermining US democratic credentials domestically and around the world, but also how he and few of his loyal supporters are trying to cast doubt on the creditability of this country’s institutions. It important to mention that most American institutions described the 2020 elections to be free, fair, and transparent.

As Georgians go to the polls on January 5 in this especially important Senate runoff elections which could go either way, Trump attacks on this country’s democratic institutions do not help but those attacks might suppress voter’s turnout among Republicans and likely help propel Democrat takeover of the Senate.

By Karyokie Peeco Conway

Karyokie Peeco Conway, a Liberian-born American, is employed by the Delaware Department of Correction. Recognized as a community activist and an African political analyst, Mr. Conway possesses a Master's degree in Public Administration and another Master's degree in Accounting with a focus on Controllership. He is married to Mrs. Tanya Conway from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and presently resides in Wilmington, DE.

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